Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Ok I know yesterday I talked about new years resolutions but I just have to talk about it again I can’t help myself. Who came up with this whole resolution things anyway, I hate change I think I’m great and is there a rule if you can only have one because I have a whole list of crap I need to work on, but I guess when the time comes for my failure there’s always lent. Who actually had a success story of actually sticking to whatever their goal was anyway, you know all those fat people out there always say they want to lose weight and we all know they didn’t make it, and all those people in dept which is what the whole country so you know they all failed so who really succeeds? We’re not creatures of change we are creatures of habit which my habit is eating and spending money thank you very much. Also it is a known fact a person can’t change until they are ready so how can a date make you ready. But here is my list anyway even though I know the odds are against me and this is not a list of resolutions because I don’t plan on resolving anything I just plan to work on it and hope for it to stick

• Read and study the Sunday lessons, before Sunday during sacrament
• Read scriptures daily
• Write in my journal daily
• Budget and stick to it, and really stick to it
• Have my credit card paid off in 4 months
• Spend more one on one time with Nathan
• Stop eating fast food and homemade ice-cream accept for tonight of course
• And my favorite is to not speak bad of someone if they are not in the room to defend themselves (mother in laws don’t count)

Speaking of talking (ha ha do you get the funny there) I do like to talk but not to just anyone and I hate reading out loud I just discovered, I think it’s a confidence thing. I can read at home with family or friends but in a group I hate hate hate reading out loud, I learned that on Sunday by the way, I look at Nathan and I envy him, he has amazing confidence, I really am jealous. Confidence isn’t just is this circumstance it goes into everything, I think if I had more confidence in myself I would be a better volleyball player actually I know I would, I’m afraid to dive and jump I definitely would play trivial pursuit that’s for sure, trivial pursuit what insane person out there really likes that game, I don’t think its at all fun to know exactly how stupid I actually am, you know I could just talk forever just on stupid people, you know what I think I will tomorrow….


The Big B's said...

Hey lady, I had no clue that you guys had a blog. Nice to see. Oh I saw on Kens blog that you are having a boy. Congrats.